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Cooling and Hydration Products
Staying cool during the blazing hot summer not only makes the job a little bit easier and keeps you a little bit more comfortable, but it also keeps you safe and prevents heat illness. GME and our team of Gear Experts® are committing to helping you stay cool outside in the heat with our wide selection of hydration and cooling products. Browse our selection of Chill-Its by Ergodyne, Sqwincher products, hats, cooling headbands and bandanas, evaporative cooling towels, hard hat liners, cooling vests, water bottles, and more.
These cooling products will help prevent dehydration and overheating so that you can feel your best in the heat and prevent heat illness. In fact, overexposure to heat can lead to a loss of productivity, a range of illnesses, and even death. The causes of heat illness include:
High temperatures & humidity, direct sun exposure, and/or no breeze or wind;
Low liquid intake;
Heavy physical labor;
Weatherproof or poorly breathing clothes; and
No recent exposure to hot workplaces
Many of these conditions are easily remedied. You may not be able to avoid working in hot areas, but frequent water breaks and keeping the right cooling gear with you on the job can help a lot.
For more information on heat illness, symptoms, and preventative measures check out our blog post here that provides an in-depth look into heat illness.
Got questions or need help finding the perfect cooling gear for you or your crew? Click here to contact one of our Gear Experts®.