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Home > Cable & Satellite > Termination & Security > Cable Prep Torque Screwdriver

Model#: TRX-SL18

Stock#: CAB-TRX-SL18


Cable Prep Torque Screwdriver


$56.99 Sale price: $56.99

Get It By Mar 14

  • Designed expressly for RPD and rSwitch installations
  • Set to 18 in/lb torque value
  • Never exceeds designated torque
  • Once achieved, tool clicks, then spins freely

Cable Prep Torque Screwdriver

Improper torque when installing RPDs and rSwitches can cause RF leaks, water leaks, and damage to modules from over-heating. All this is avoidable with the new Cable Prep Torque Screwdriver. Unlike other drivers that attempt to address this application, this tool will never exceed the specified torque, even if a technician disregards or cannot hear the audible click emitted when the tool achieves the specified torque value. After the proper threshold is reached, the tool begins to spin freely, exerting zero force.


  • Designed expressly for RPD and rSwitch installations
  • Set to 18 in/lb torque value
  • Never exceeds designated torque
  • Once achieved, tool clicks, then spins freely
  • Locks up in the reverse direction so it can be used to remove screws as well


Country of Manufacture: United States
Manufacturer: CablePrep
Weight: 0.90
